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Speaking and events

One of my favourite things is bringing people together around an interesting topic, good music and a signature cocktail! I also run online workshops (minus the jazz and gin) and present at events. 


Check back regularly for news on what events and online workshops I am hosting and where in the world I am speaking. And do get in touch if you'd like to discuss a project.


'What forward thinking organisations can learn from the tech sector'


Pink Mingo clients and collaborators gathered to explore how we thrive in disruption, what we can learn from the ever-evolving technology sector and how to inject a little startup magic into our operations.


Online workshops

Check out my recent event: 'Find your growth marketing formula'.


Previous Pink Mingo online workshops include:


  • Growth marketing for B2B startups

  • Professional Services Marketers: Mindset, Motivation & Means to Succeed

  • More bang for your buck: identifying and targeting growth clients

  • The Marketing Director’s guide to getting organised


If you would like to discuss me running specific workshops for you and your team, please get in touch.

Speaking gigs

I have spoken and presented at several industry events and panels, as well as led sessions at marketing and business leader planning days. 


Topics I have covered include:


  • Humanising your brand in an automated world

  • B2B growth

  • Content strategy

  • Marketing trends

  • Startup brand strategy

  • How to network

  • How to start up as a consultant


If you have a speaking opportunity, I'd love to hear about it.

Latest insights

Check out my articles on everything from MarTech and preparing your brand for IPO, to Diversity Strategy and the C-suite series.

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